Password Generator Pro!

Generating passwords in your clipboard.


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Advanced Password Options

Turn on and off UPERCASE, lowercase, numeric charactor sets.

Use OWASP or other symbol sets as desired.

Configure your own password length.

Power users with ease

Click the menu, option click to generate a password, for advanced users you can toggle this configuration and generate passwords faster, without your keyboard.

Privacy Policy

This App works completely locally on your computer. It does not need any network connectivity for any of its features. It does not collect, store or transmit any data you enter into it, or it itself generates. It is a sandboxed app and respects the privacy of its users with utmost importance.

Standards Based

We utilise Mac OSX development and Human Interface best practice standards and guidelines in the development of all our apps. This app also utilises the OWASP standard for passwords.


At this time the app is new and we have not received any questions, if you have one please email us and we will get back to you ASAP. If you have any issues, you can OPTION-CLICK the menu bar icon.